Our continuous challenging innovative school engagements at all aspects aim at preparing global citizens.
international scale.
thinking skills.
and world moral values.
High Quality Learning
At Al Kamal American International School Al-Azra, high quality learning enables the learners to acquire knowledge and skills to do deep research and discover, rather than just receive information, so that they can develop socially, emotionally and academically as global citizens. The students are encouraged to become owners of their learning and develop knowledge and tools to use strategies they have learned in the classroom to transfer their learning to other subjects and real-life situations.
1-تعزيز التعليم عن طريق المشاريع و البحوث
2-إعداد طلاب ذوي كفاءات عالية و مؤهلين لتحديات العصر الحديث.وقادرين علي التنافسعلي المستوي الدولي .
3-تحقيق بيئة دراسية تعليمية مناسبة لتحفيز مهارات و إبداعات تعليمية
4-غرس روح العدالة بالقيم و المثل التي تنشئ مواطنا صالحا ضمن منظومة اخلاقية يعززها منهاج المدرسة.
5-توفير برنامج تعليمي متكامل مرتبط بالتطبيقات الحياتية .
School Values:
School Objectives:
Al Kamal American International School is a K-12 school institution of learning which strives for the complete formation of the children readiness to meet the challenges of career, work and life.
As an International School, the school shall continuously develop a challenging and competitive curriculum that meets the demands and challenges of the 21st Century with greater focus on the development of the skills and themes for success in career, work and life.